???? Adult Party Game! This is for your disturbed friends who have dirty minds and aren't afraid to get to know each other quick! This drawing game will bring the laughs to your next board game palooza.
Has It All! Besides raunchy comedy & being an instant classic, the box includes 169 cards, 6 ((Huge)) dry erase boards, markers, erasers & dice.
✏️ Easy! Play is as simple as 1, 2, 3! 1. Flip up the cards for a random scenario that everyone will draw 2. Roll the dice for the judging cue 3. Sit back & listen to your friends explain their horrible drawings to get the win!
Limitless! For Real Tho! There's over a million combos of cards to be drawn! Group Games Over 7 People? With pen & paper all your friends can play! Two Players? 2 player & couples can draw for WTF fun without the competition!